Why not add some awesome science to your day with the Quirkles or Fuddlebrook School Science series, two 26-book series and related materials? A great way to integrate literacy and science, the Quirkles introduce ways to excite young children with hands-on science activities, fun alliteration, and whimsical illustrations. Fuddlebrook steps in where the Quirkles leave off—appealing to slightly older children.

Read the stories and do the experiments. Watch as children get excited about science! But don’t take our word for it! Here’s a Quirkles favorite, Gilbert Gas, in ebook version, for you to try right now, or download the Fuddlebrook book, The Case of the Vanishing Moon.

Watch the expressions on children’s faces as they follow the fun science adventures. And, it’s super easy for educators too!
For more information, check out the website, www.quirkles.com or www.fuddlebrook.com and learn how your students can benefit from these great science series.