The Creators of the Quirkles and Fuddlebrook Series have been on the road lately attending many conferences. It has been a great opportunity to engage with many excellent gifted educators. It is always a wonderful opportunity to hear how many of you are using the Quirkles and Fuddlebrook programs. We discovered recently that Freddie, one of the Fuddlebrook characters, is …
It’s Time for Valentines: Have Fun with Science
Valentine’s Day is upon us. And probably like most of us, you are ready for a little break from the hum-drums of winter. Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity for that, but have you ever wondered how this holiday of love came about? According to many sources, Valentine’s Day began with the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The …
Schedule Your Quirkles or Fuddlebrook Training Now!
One thing that can be overwhelming to educators is to have boxes and boxes of curriculum that is being unused or that staff simply does not know how to use. While we can’t help you with all of your unused curriculum issues, we can help you with training on the Quirkles and/or Fuddlebrook Science. You might not be aware that …
Winter Blues…Not Happening! Creative Classroom Activities for Winter
The Christmas decorations are put away and celebrating the arrival of 2024 is old news. What’s a teacher to do? The winter doldrums have truly set in. This is the time of year that separates the good educators from the great ones. Creative and effective teaching strategies are needed to engage students and keep the winter blues from attacking. While …
Teach Science Like A Rock Star
An elementary science teaching rock star? Not me! You can teach effectively, excite your students, and have fun yourself if you follow these four steps. First, tell a story the kids can relate to. Density seems abstract taken alone as a concept but floating on water, particularly salt water, is something many children have experienced. Tell a story (with conviction!) …
Santa Loves Science Too: Holiday Lessons on Friction
As the holidays draw near, questions about Santa Claus often pop up in inquisitive little minds. Is he magic? Why does he wear a red suit? Do reindeer really fly? And maybe the one most often asked….how does Santa get down the chimney? First of all, who is this guy we call Santa and how exactly did this chubby, red …
Learning from Mrs. Wigglebum: Five More Things That Will Make You A Better Teacher (Part II)
Last month we learned about the first five traits Mrs.Wigglebum has as an effective teacher. Here’s the other five. If only we could be like Mrs. Wigglebum as a teacher! In the Fuddlebrook School Science series, she always seems to be in the right place at the right time to offer sage advice and she always finds the teachable moment. …
Learning from Mrs. Wigglebum: Five Things That Will Make You A Better Teacher (Part I)
Oh, if only we could be like Mrs. Wigglebum as a teacher! In the Fuddlebrook School Science series, she always seems to be in the right place at the right time to offer sage advice and she always finds the teachable moment. Besides that, she has purple hair. This adds to her “cool” factor. But she’s not real, you argue, …
Call in the Quirkles Squad: Mentoring Programs with the Quirkles
Perhaps it’s a time to revamp and try something new. The creators of the Quirkles/Fuddlebrook Science Series have visited with many of you, and have heard your frustrations regarding staffing issues. Of course, while we can’t provide you with more staff, we can perhaps offer some techniques that would be helpful for you to use in the upcoming weeks. Many …
Splish, Splash…Let’s Have a Water Bash: Five Activities for Outside Water Fun!
Summer is definitely here! It’s the perfect time to entertain with some H2O. Kids won’t mind leaving the television or other electronic devices behind when water play becomes an option! Five Fun Activities for Water Fun: Homemade Water Slide Supplies: Heavy plastic or camping tarp Garden hose (the hose needs to stay on) Cheap shampoo to make tarp slippery Place …