Now’s the time to be thinking about summer. Looking for ideas to spice up your summer programming? The Quirkles® have you covered. Here’s why.

• Easy to use – You don’t want to spend your summer planning detailed lesson plans? No problem: the Quirkles® have done it for you. All your science and literacy objectives are provided as well as four related science experiments/activities. The materials come in a handy carrying case and all nonperishable supplies are provided.
• Hands-on learning – Students don’t want to sit all day…. especially in the summer! The Quirkles® offer hands on learning at its best, all while being integrated with fun stories.
• Differentiated learning – Does your program have multiple ages? The Quirkles® is great for ages K-5 with higher level lessons provided. Also, the series offers great opportunity for older students to mentor younger students in a safe and nonthreatening way.

• Correlated to standards – Each book is correlated to state standards, Common Core, and Next Generation Science Standards-Yes, the Quirkles® are super fun, AND you will be meeting many of the standards as well!
• Time flexible – A lesson/book can be as short as 20 minutes or can be extended by doing parts of a book each day throughout the week. It is totally up to you!
• Creates a passion for science and lifelong learning – Last but not least the Quirkles® will excite the kids in a whole new way, all while falling in love with the stories and STEM activities. They won’t even realize how much they are learning! The sky is the limit as to what can be done with this series.
Want even more options? Check out our Fuddlebrook® School series too! The series works in much the same way, typically for grades 2-5.

So why are you waiting? Check out the Quirkles® or Fuddlebrook series for more information.