The Creators of the Quirkles and Fuddlebrook Series have been on the road lately attending many conferences. It has been a great opportunity to engage with many excellent gifted educators. It is always a wonderful opportunity to hear how many of you are using the Quirkles and Fuddlebrook programs. We discovered recently that Freddie, one of the Fuddlebrook characters, is the favorite due to his mischievous personality. All this time, we thought it was Herman Tweed! Who knew?

Another discovery we have made, based on recent conversations, is how teachers are using the Quirkles and Fuddlebrook Series in gifted endorsed classrooms.
The teacher guides for both series (Quirkles Teacher Guide and Fuddlebrook) have opportunities for accelerated students to “take it to the next level” as well research opportunities and fun facts to explore. While the series is easily used for all students, the differentiated learning activities are already provided for your gifted students. The work has already been done for you! Read the story to the entire class and then allow your gifted students to research and participate in the extended activities at their own pace.
We suggest utilizing your gifted students to be facilitators in small groups for the science activities. The science is robust for all, and each student can work on his/her own level. We have student journals (Quirkles Student Journal and Fuddlebrook Student Journal) that can be used for informal assessment materials for your gifted students or for the entire class.
The one thing we know for certain is that ALL students benefit from concepts taught through storytelling. This is why the Quirkles and Fuddlebrook series are perfect for gifted endorsed classrooms.
It has been a great privilege to meet many of you. We consider it an honor to be a part of your educational curriculum. It continues to amaze us how creative our educators are! Please reach out to us if you have questions or we can help you utilize the Quirkles® (and/or Fuddlebrook School Series®) in your school. We do offer Zoom trainings for teachers and staff.
Have a wonderful spring and we look forward to hearing from you!