Valentine's Day Candy Hearts

It’s Time for Valentines: Have Fun with Science

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

Valentine’s Day is upon us. And probably like most of us, you are ready for a little break from the hum-drums of winter. Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity for that, but have you ever wondered how this holiday of love came about? According to many sources, Valentine’s Day began with the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The …

Winter Blues... Not Happening! Creative Classroom Activities for Winter

Winter Blues…Not Happening! Creative Classroom Activities for Winter

Lauren Cook General

The Christmas decorations are put away and celebrating the arrival of 2024 is old news. What’s a teacher to do? The winter doldrums have truly set in. This is the time of year that separates the good educators from the great ones. Creative and effective teaching strategies are needed to engage students and keep the winter blues from attacking. While …

Teach Science Like A Rock Star

Teach Science Like A Rock Star

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

An elementary science teaching rock star? Not me! You can teach effectively, excite your students, and have fun yourself if you follow these four steps. First, tell a story the kids can relate to. Density seems abstract taken alone as a concept but floating on water, particularly salt water, is something many children have experienced. Tell a story (with conviction!) …